H3O2 or H2O makes up 60% of the human body?

What Is H3O2

Hexagonal water is sometimes referred to as gel water, structured water, and cluster water. The fourth phase of water is produced when hydrogen and oxygen molecules form an asymmetrical link in the H3O2 structure. Water behaves like a gel in this crystallized state. But this is a notion found in alternative science theories. which implies that this is probably false. There is no scientific evidence to support these claims. The term "hexagonal water" refers to a group of water molecules arranged in a hexagonal pattern that is said to improve nutritional absorption, eliminate metabolic waste, and improve cellular communication. The human body contains 60% water. To import, export, and transport other chemicals, carriers must pass through the cytoplasm, which is also in the form of H3O2, not the form of H2O. 

what are the H3O2 scientific incompatibilities?

  • hydrogen-hydrogen bonds:                                                                                                                                            At timeframes less than 200 femtoseconds, the hydrogen bonds are constantly breaking and reforming. This defies the hexagonal water model's assertion that the body uses the same structure for the water it consumes
  • Electromagnetic absorption by water:                                                                                                                         There is no empirical evidence to support the idea that an energy bombardment at frequencies in the infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum would result in the formation of hexagon-shaped water polymers since water molecules strongly absorb energy at these frequencies.    


While "H3O2" or hexagonal water is a concept from alternative and pseudoscientific theories lacking evidence from mainstream science and is an advertising scam, "H2O" is the scientifically acknowledged and well-established notation for water. About 60% of an adult man's body is made up of H2O.

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